Darrien Bailey- Owner & Creator
Ever since I can remember I have always been enamored by history and art. Both disciplines can evoke a multitude of emotions from numerous people because they are personal to the human experience and are exemplary tools to educate how others view society.
Through working and teaching in both disciplines I have witnessed firsthand how meaningful both disciplines can be in educational environments when paired creatively as they introduce a world of prospectives and context to life which inform better decision-making, understanding, and maturity in future endeavors.
North Carolina State University, M.A. in Art + Design, May 2021
St. Andrews University, B.A. in History and Minor in Art, Phi Gamma Mu, 3.4 GPA, 2017
NC State
Art + Design
Design is about telling great stories. Darrien is using his passion for history to bring people into those stories through graphic novels and exhibit design (Made by NC State College of Design).

Graduate Assistant
Art + Design Research
NC State University
Aug 2020 - Present
Raleigh, North Carolina Area
- Research assistant on creative projects in Creative of Art + Design
- Worked on character and historical development of VR project (Barnstormers)
“Barnstormers: Determined to Win” is a forthcoming interactive VR experience set to the backdrop of the Negro Baseball League. This project is developed by Logic Grip in partnership with the Negro League Baseball Museum.

Graduate Assistant
Special Collections
NC State University
Aug 2019 - Present
Raleigh, North Carolina Area
- Preparing materials for ingest
- Assisted in small digitization projects (Animal Turn)
Animal Turn
The Animal Turn: Digitizing Animal Protection and Human-Animal Studies Collections is a three-year, grant-funded project undertaken in partnership with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) with funding from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR).

Visiting Professor
St. Andrews University
Jul 2019 - Sep 2020
Raleigh, North Carolina
- Created syllabus and lesson plans
- Lecuted on African American history
BLM Course
On May 25, 2020 George Floyd died after almost nine minutes with a police officer’s knee on his neck, as he repeatedly moaned, “I can’t breathe.” That event caused America to have the breath knocked out of it—shocked by the brutality and injustice. Suddenly, we all came face to face with the truth: Black people in America have been suffocating under the knee of systemic racism for 400 years. Ever since, people have been in the streets demanding change.
This 8-week course (that meets weekly on Zoom) will provide an opportunity for the St. Andrews community (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and others) to have an open conversation about systemic racism in America and what we need to do (individually and together) in response to the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many others.
This course will give participants a chance to share their thoughts and feelings, to gain deeper insights into the corrosive effects of systemic racism in our communities, and to discuss how to bring change in ourselves, our institutions, in our communities, and throughout the world. The course will include personal reflection, panel conversations, and small-group discussions. Students will be invited to contribute materials to a course resource archive.

Historical Interpreter
The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America
Aug 2017 – Aug 2019
Wilmington, North Carolina Area
- Gave forty-five-minute tours on the history of the historical house
- Researched historical elements for exhibits and tours
Built-in 1770, the Burgwin-Wright House and Gardens is the only structure in Wilmington from the colonial era open to the public. Operated as a museum house, it offers visitors a unique opportunity to view a fine example of Georgian architecture and experience what life was like during pre-revolutionary Wilmington.

Museum Educator/Intern
Cape Fear Museum
Aug 2018 – May 2019
Wilmington, North Carolina Area
- Researched historical events to create exhibits
- Taught and toured the People of the Past Program
Cape Fear
Cape Fear Museum collects, preserves and interprets objects relating to the history, science, and cultures of the Lower Cape Fear. The Museum makes those objects and their interpretation available to the public through educational exhibitions and programs.